Hi ShopNEXT community,
After the mobile app V2 was released in January, we spent most of February fixing bugs and working on a mega-promotion campaign. Let’s delve into how our app and token have performed in the past month.

Key business figures:
- Total MOONers: 35
- Total NEXT locked: 174,998
- Total tokens collected and burned in February: 3319 STE and 1169 NEXT
- Total STE rewarded (including processing transactions) till February 28: 27092 STE
- EPR value (including processing transactions) till February 28: $1571
Mobile app
Thanks to the feedback from our community members, we kept testing the app and fixing the bugs so that version 2.0.1 will be released very soon. The new version is expected to help users better understand different types of rewards within a transaction. Besides that, the major change in 2.0.1 would be to allow normal users to use NFT Cards to boost STE rewards. Without the need to lock in $300 to become MOONers, everyone can buy the desirable NFT cards and apply for their daily payments. MOON membership, however, is still very attractive with a 20% reward bonus.
Since the V2.0 mobile app’s release on January 10, 35 MOONers have locked a total of 174,998 NEXT. For newcomers who may not be aware, MOONers are our VIP members who can earn the most benefits from our ecosystem. Users must lock $300 in NEXT to upgrade their MOON membership and use NFT cards to boost token earnings.
From our in-app gameplay, we collected 3319 STE via boosting, recharging, and opening the NFT cardcases. Those STEs have been burned by sending them to a dead address. We collected 1169 NEXT from in-app gameplay and NFT marketplace trading fee; this NEXT amount will be burned as well.
- STE burned transaction: (https://bscscan.com/tx/0x32a2ff43556701a969bc7b8ffaa0fc7a809991267cafba764a38d569345c2c2c)
- New STE total supply: 993,169 (https://public-crypto.shopnext.io/cmc/ste/getTotalSupply?token=1b9b361c-e21e-4895-b2f7-9de67ae09362&isNumeric=1)
- NEXT burned transaction: (https://bscscan.com/tx/0x6474248c27448724e60805d07459ad1fe5ea6e6979d51cbfa5b9c1810274ce2e)
- New NEXT total supply: 99,997,757 (https://public-crypto.shopnext.io/cmc/next/getTotalSupply?token=1b9b361c-e21e-4895-b2f7-9de67ae09362&isNumeric=1)
ShopNEXT is the first to introduce an External Profit Reserve (EPR) to capture external profit from our business and back STE tokens rewarded for shopping. Here is the data up to February 28.
- Total STE rewarded for shopping (including processing transactions): 27,902 STE
- EPR value (including processing transactions): 1571 USD
What next?
- Releasing the mobile app 2.0.1
- A mega-promotion campaign with big partners is coming.
Our journey has just started, and we’re happy to see people using Web3 in their daily lives.
#ShopNEXT #Web3LoyaltyPlatform $NEXT $STE
ShopNEXT is a Web3 Loyalty Platform powered by Visa and Binance Pay. We utilize card payment, NFT and gamification to invent the Shop-To-Earn model. ShopNEXT allows users to earn token rewards from daily shopping while helping merchants grow their businesses. ShopNEXT token is a kind of loyalty point but the difference is that it is developed on blockchain and exchangeable. For more news and the latest updates about ShopNEXT, please visit ShopNEXT’s Website – Discord – Telegram – Twitter – Facebook or email to hello@shopnext.io.